New Releases 4.0.8 of SOLVE and NorthStar

New Domain

As we expand our marketing, we’ve renamed our domain to We are excited about some of the new products we will be debuting on the platform and thought it was time to highlight the platform itself.

New Releases of SOLVE and NorthStar

The newest release of SOLVE and NorthStar are now available for download.  Since it’s been a while since we’ve sent out this notification, we decided to include the features from the 4.0.6 through the current version 4.0.8

One of the features we’re most excited about is the ability to natively integrate with Tanium to import asset and/or patching data into NorthStar.  We’ve made this as simple as mapping a database table or a flat file. You asked for Tanium integration and we heard you loud and clear!

Downloads: (requires login)

We pride ourselves on making our products the most useful and robust solutions to meet our customers’ needs.  Your feedback fuels the continuous improvement of our products.  Below are some resources to request enhancements, identify issues and reference materials available.

For Support:

Online Forum: (requires login)



Version 4.0.8
Enhancement: Added ability to disable subscriptions (or just details for subscriptions) for specific dashboards panels (ref: WF-#3093)
Enhancement: Added ability to use AD provisioning across trusted domains
Enhancement: Modified colorsets for red and green colors
Fix: Fixed an error where Server Type and/or Connection Note would not show on screen after being saved
Fix: Disabled add/remove user option for ad linked security groups

Version 4.0.7
Enhancement: Added the ability to use Windows Credentials to define data source connections
Enhancement: Added ability to clear error on a job
Enhancement: Changed the logic for showing the Enable/Disable buttons on the Job Details Screen
Enhancement: Added Sealing and Signing options to the AD Connection type (Used by ADImport Plugin)
Fix: Fixed an issue where using “Run Once/Run Now” still moved the next run date for a job
Fix: Fixed an issue where column heading were missing on excel export from search results
Fix: Fixed an issue which broke saved searches that included field mappings
Fix: Fixed an issue with incorrect counts being shown on some results lists
Fix: Fix an issue where autoprovisioned accounts would conflict with password strength rules

Version 4.0.6
Enhancement: Tuned NSScheduler DBIO to handle connection pooling better
Enhancement: Changed Job Details screen to show state the same way it appears on the job list
Enhancement: Modified Search Filters to always be distinct even across multiple datasources
Fix: Fixed issue when adding database source info to metrics charts (for breaks outs)
Fix: Fixed issue where multiple search result fields would not generate results
Fix: Corrected an issue when gathering performance stats for NSScheduler
Fix: Corrected an issue when logging from NSScheduler
Fix: Fixed an issue when evaluating Overdue for Success
Fix: Modified File Share subscription to hide passwords on entry screen
Fix: Modified Saving CSVs to use alternate Title if it is provided



Version 4.0.8
Enhancement: Added ability to disable subscriptions (or just details for subscriptions) for specific dashboards panels (ref: WF-#3093)
Enhancement: Added TaniumImport as option for SuperList Data Sources
Enhancement: Added ability to use AD provisioning across trusted domains
Enhancement: Miscellaneous performance upgrades for Asset Risks merge
Enhancement: Miscellaneous performance upgrades for DeepSight vulnerability import
Enhancement: Modified colorsets for red and green colors
Enhancement: Added special handling to handle objectSID for ADImport and ADLocalImport
Fix: Fixed an error where Server Type and/or Connection Note would not show on screen after being saved
Fix: Fixed issue where FileCopy plugin would not show error if UNC path was not accessible
Fix: Disabled add/remove user option for ad linked security groups
Fix: Fixed an issue where business apps weren’t showing on asset item view

Version 4.0.7
Enhancement: Added the ability to use Windows Credentials to define data source connections
Enhancement: Added ability to clear error on a job
Enhancement: Changed the logic for showing the Enable/Disable buttons on the Job Details Screen
Enhancement: Added Asset IP Search
Enhancement: Added ability to abort long running DBExec jobs
Enhancement: Added Sealing and Signing options to the AD Connection type (Used by ADImport Plugin)
Fix: Fixed an issue where using “Run Once/Run Now” still moved the next run date for a job
Fix: Fixed an issue where column heading were missing on excel export from search results
Fix: Fixed an issue which broke saved searches that included field mappings
Fix: Fixed an issue with incorrect counts being shown on some results lists
Fix: Fix an issue where autoprovisioned accounts would conflict with password strength rules
Fix: Corrected an issue with XMLImport when parsing subpaths

Version 4.0.6
Enhancement: Added Column Index to Field Mapping Log on File Import to help with troubleshooting
Enhancement: Tuned NSScheduler DBIO to handle connection pooling better
Enhancement: Changed Job Details screen to show state the same way it appears on the job list
Enhancement: Modified Search Filters to always be distinct even across multiple datasources
Fix: Fixed issue when adding database source info to metrics charts (for breaks outs)
Fix: Fixed issue where multiple search result fields would not generate results
Fix: Corrected what schedule is pulled into datasource for editing when changing file pickup datasources
Fix: Corrected an issue when gathering performance stats for NSScheduler
Fix: Corrected an issue when logging from NSScheduler
Fix: Fixed an issue when evaluating Overdue for Success
Fix: Modified File Share subscription to hide passwords on entry screen
Fix: Modified Saving CSVs to use alternate Title if it is provided