NorthStar Platform

Factors such as evolving virtual environments, legacy infrastructure, cloud computing for enterprises and the ever-complex threat landscape make it more important than ever for IT leaders to have a strong handle on their corporate assets, users, incidents, security tools and IT-related data. By collecting already-present data from your environment & security tools, everything can be brought under the NorthStar banner where meaningful, informed decisions can be made.

What is NorthStar?

At its core, NorthStar is a platform to aggregate, normalize & digest IT data.

What makes NorthStar better?

Aggregating data from disparate and sometimes “messy” sources can be a real challenge. However, NorthStar aims to relieve much of the burden & complexity by:

  • providing out-of-the-box, extensible structures for your IT data
  • leveraging robust plugins to collect data, such as: Database, Integrated Collectors, Powershell, Web API and many ways to retrieve/receive/slice a flat file
  • allowing both the data collection definitions and data normalization rules to be configured from the web front end (no developer needed!)
  • presenting data in crisp, agile, easy-to-configure dashboards (HTML5-based platform)
  • providing robust search across any data field present in NorthStar
  • handling job scheduling/alerting according to your schedule, including black-out dates & job dependency
  • allowing you to setup security in a way that makes sense to your business, based upon any data field present in NorthStar
  • installing on industry hardware / software (Microsoft Windows Servers, IIS, MSSQL)
  • scaling wide and/or tall to meet business needs



How it Works

By consuming Asset, Directory, Business, Application, User/Person, IT Threat & Risk data from many sources, NorthStar is able to build many interconnected Superlists, starting with the Asset Superlist. With the data properly collected & normalized, NorthStar presents responsive & robust visualization of that data and even tracks changes to that data over time for trending analysis.

how it works